Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rudolf K. Sanders Christian Counseling Ethics A Handbook...

In Chapter 10 of Rudolph K. Sanders’ book, Christian Counseling Ethics: A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors, Mark Yarhouse, Jill Kays and Stanton Jones discuss the â€Å"sexual minority† as it pertains to the field of professional counseling. This group is defined as â€Å"individuals with same sex attractions or behavior, regardless of self-identification† (Sanders, et. al., 2013, p. 252). By looking at counseling the homosexual community through its etiology, standards by which a counselor should proceed with treatment, and the options a client has on deciding treatment options, we can be better prepared as Christian counselors to be better prepared in serving the needs of others. Summarize The idea of being competent is vital†¦show more content†¦al., 2013, p. 253). With treatments such as â€Å"professional therapy and paraprofessional/religious ministry contexts†, Sanders and his colleagues report that thirty percent of those who participated in this form of therapy achieved â€Å"positive outcomes† (2013, p. 255). Although critics to changing one’s sexual orientation claim that there are many factors that limit the support of the research proving the success of this treatment option, Sanders states that there is data supporting successful conversions (2013, p. 255). A counselor’s primary goal is to have integrity, while also having the client’s well-being as a priority. While competency is the most important factor in professional counseling, a level of trust needs to be met between the client and the counselor. When a client has full confidence that the counselor will maintain confidentiality, the counselor’s integrity has been established and the client can being to open up more to the counselor, establishing better tools for increasing mental health (Sanders, et. al., 2013, p. 263). Sexual identity therapy is also a potential means of. The client has every right to choose whether or not they receive the treatment that they are recommended by a counselor. By providing the client with any information that can contribute to them making an informed decision on their treatment plan, we can be sure that we have

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